DIY Templates

Lawcost Legal are NOT authorised by the FCA to give any Financial Advice or Products 

and are NOT authorised to conduct any Claims Management Activities.


Lawcost Legal cannot guarantee that any complaint you make will result in a successful claim,

nor can we advise on any.


If you think that you are owed monies from either your Mortgage Broker or Lender, then our DIY Templates might be your answer.

Our Do it Yourself’ templates’, provides all you need for making a request for your DSAR,

presenting a complaint to your Broker/Lender or requesting further help from FOS FSCS if required.

Why pay further fees when you can ‘Do It Yourself’.


What to do now – Next Steps

This is the process for you to follow and the good news is you will either identify that you are owed money, or in fact your Mortgage has been arranged correctly and that your Mortgage review has confirmed a compliant sale, and your Lender has treated you fairly

  1. Complete the DIY Templatesin the first instance to write to your Lender for your Mortgage file. (DSAR)
  2. See if any Overcharges are applicable to your Mortgage.
  3. If this is unsatisfactory you can use the Template to write to the Financial Ombudsman (FOS) to further your complaint
  4. You may wish to complain to your Broker regarding MCOB breachesto do this you use the Template issued.
  5. It may be possible to refer you take further advice in this subject
  6. If you establish that your Broker is not trading, then you would use the final Template to further your complaint with The Financial            Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)