Questions and Answers

Lawcost Legal Ltd is NOT authorised or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to sell or advise on any financially regulated products including Claims Management Activity

Why haven’t I received my documents?

All documents are sent electronically unless specifically requested to be sent by post, You will have received the following documents by email:-

  • Confirmation of the appointment
  • Welcome letter (on the purchase of the product with attachments relating to our Terms of Business, Complaints procedure, Brochure showing the products our Company offers, appropriate Letter Templates)
  • Disclaimer that you must complete & sign and return to us.

The Letter Templates are provided so that you can write directly to your Lender to make a complaint and enquire as to whether you are owed any money.

Please send the letters to your Lender immediately.

On receipt of the completed Disclaimer, we will email you accordingly.

I have not received a receipt.

A receipt is issued to every client when a payment is made to us, so please check your email (Spam Folder) for this receipt.

What is a DSAR and what do I do with it?

DSAR (Data Subject Access Request) results in a document being produced that informs you of all payments made and transactions on the mortgage enquired about. You may need this to use as evidence should you decide to further your complaint in relation to Broker and/or Lender mis-sale.

When I complain to my Mortgage Lender what will happen?

Your Lender must respond to you within eight weeks, and they are obliged to tell you if they have overcharged on your Mortgage account. If they have, then they will make an offer of compensation to you. You can either accept this offer of compensation, or if you believe it is incorrect then you are able to go to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You will find an appropriate Letter Template, inside your pack of Templates that you receive once you have bought our product.

How do I find the address of my old Lenders or who the Lenders are?

It is possible that we hold your current or previous Lenders Head Office address on our database and if we can help you, we will, or you can google your Lender as many Lenders have changed names over the last 25 years and this will enable you to send your signed Template Letter to the correct address.

How can I ask for Legal Services and how much would I pay for these?

Legal Services are varied, and the price can be quoted for the individual products but generally we offer the services of providing.

  • Wills
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Various Trusts

Why can I not speak to somebody?

The nature of our business and the set up to remain cost effective means that we are an outbound service. As such our automated systems are here to help you as much as possible and are very simple to follow. Should you have a complaint, then please follow our complaints process which you will have been sent on the purchase of your product.

What do I do if I have a complaint?

Please follow the complaint procedure provided to you.

Can I have my money back?

Everybody has the right to cancel, within a 14 day Cooling Off period, any purchase .

What exactly have you sold me?

You have bought the experience of a Do It Yourself Template so that you can make YOUR OWN complaint directly to your lender in relation to overcharges and possible mis-sale on your Mortgage.

If the Lender does not respond and is still operating, you can refer to the Letter Templates and write to the Financial Ombudsman Service. In addition, you can also make a complaint against your Broker if you feel that your Mortgage has been mis–sold to you or was inappropriate/unsuitable for your needs. Templates are provided for all scenarios, and you have the option to click on the previously mentioned link to obtain a Mortgage Assessment that might support you in the event of complaining against a mis-sold or inappropriate Mortgage.

And why do I sign a disclaimer?

The Disclaimer protects both, us the business and yourself the client.
You are signing the Disclaimer to confirm we can use your data; confirm you have received our TOB & Complaints Procedure and you understand what you have paid for. We require you to complete, sign and return this to us, so that we can email or post our full colour brochure to you.

Why won’t you act on my/our behalf in making the complaint?

We are not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to offer Claims Management Activity or offer any advice in such matters. We do offer you a facility, on receiving your instructions, that allows YOU to make any complaint directly to your Lender and/or Broker if you feel that you might be owed any monies. If you would wish to seek help from an Independent Financial Advisor or the advice of a Solicitor, then these options are of course available to you.

Who is responsible for the mis-selling of my Mortgage?

The Broker, who would have been regulated at the time, is normally responsible if your Mortgage was mis-sold to you. Regulation states that the Lender also had a duty of care to ensure that you had the correct Mortgage at the time of your purchase. We would add that if you are seeking to make a complaint against a Broker and/or Lender, for wrong advice, you should take the opinion of either a Solicitor or an Independent Financial Advisor to assist you with this.

Who is responsible for overcharging me on my Mortgage?

The only business that knows if you have been overcharged on your Mortgage is your Lender, which is why you write to the Lender directly avoiding any third-party fees on completion should any monies be awarded.

Yes, you keep 100% of any monies awarded. 

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